Regular attendance is important for your child to progress. We are required to monitor and keep records of attendance, absence and lateness. When children are away from school, please inform us as soon as possible on the first day of absence, stating the reason for absence. If your child needs to leave school during the day for any reason, please phone or send a written note, stating the reason and who will be collecting the child from school.
On 1 September 2013, a new law took effect which does not allow parents to take their children out of school for holidays in term time. Any request for absence in term time must be in exceptional circumstances, addressed to The Principal, who will decide whether to authorise the absence or not.
If the school refuses a request but the child is still taken on holiday, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised and parents will receive a letter confirming this; the protocol, as laid out by the County Attendance Team, will be followed by Harriers Banbury Academy.
If your child is unable to come to school for any reason please notify us by 8.45 am on the day of the absence by written note, email or a telephone call:
01295 263067
Please do not send verbal messages with other children as these cannot be accepted.
If we do not hear from you by 9.30 am we will telephone you.